Posted by: Mildred's eftedmonton Blog | April 24, 2016

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) in a Nutshell

The Apex Effect.

EFT works so well and so effectively that people sometimes even forget they had the problem. In EFT, we call this the Apex effect. This is why it is a good idea to write down the issue or part of an issue you are dealing with, and give it a SUDs number. Then you have proof when the issue seems to change or not be a problem anymore: you can see what you’ve written down.

SUDs: Subjective Units of Distress.

On a scale from 0 to 10, how big a problem or issue is it? With 0 meaning no problem, 10 meaning the worst possible problem.

Start by Removing Some Common Psychological Reversals or Healing Blocks

While tapping the edge of the palm (karate spot point), repeat the following phrases three times.  If you feel more is required, repeat another three times with the sore spot. (You will probably feel some kind of shift or change, once you get in tune with your inner knowing.)

1._____ Even though I have this problem, I completely love and accept myself.

2._____ Even though I may not want to let go of this problem, I completely love and accept myself.

3._____ Even though I may not deserve to get over this problem, and other people may not deserve for me to get over it, I completely love and accept myself.

4._____ Even though I may want to keep all of  this problem or some of this  problem, I completely love and accept myself.

5._____ Even though it may not be possible to get over this problem, I completely love and accept myself, with all my faults and limitations.

6._____ Even though I may not do what I need to do to get over this problem, I completely love and accept myself.

7._____ Even though I have a vested interest in keeping all or part of this problem, I completely love and accept myself.

These are general and common reversals.  Even if they may not consciously register as a belief or fact with you, you may have some subconscious beliefs that require attention.

Tapping points

  1. Inner Eyebrow
  2. Outer eyebrow
  3. Under eye
  4. Under nose
  5. Under lips
  6. Collar bone
  7. Under arms
  8. Under breast
  9. Karate chop point
  10. Thumbnail
  11. Index fingernail
  12. Middle fingernail
  13. Little finger nail

While tapping Gamut*, (optional, but sometimes necessary)

*(Gamut spot: behind third and forth knuckle).

  1.  Close Eyes
  2.  Open eyes
  3.  Look down to the left
  4.  Look down to the right
  5. Sweep eyes around in a circle (around the clock) one way.
  6. Sweep eyes around in a circle (around the clock) other way.
  7.  Hum aloud a few bars of any music.(eg. Happy Birthday to You)
  8. Count aloud to 5.
  9.  Hum a few bars again.

Gamut Sandwich

Deluxe: While focusing on an issue, tap all the points; do the gamut tapping; and tap all the points again.

Quick:  Tap the first 7 points, do the gamut tapping, and tap the first 7 points again.

Gary Craig’s inexpensive  EFT Manual is available by following the links at

*Substitute with whatever aspect, issue or problem that is being addressed. Copyright Mildred Thill, 2019

email for more info, to book as a speaker for your group, or to book a private consultation.



  1. Good article. Very informative and helpful . Thanks!

  2. […] you’ve never tapped before, the tapping points are described here and this all purpose tapping script might be a good start. Warning: The script below can be […]

  3. […] Check out EFT in a nutshell if you need a refresher on EFT. […]

  4. […] you’re unfamiliar with EFT, check out all purpose EFT, or EFT in a nutshell on this […]

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